Welcome to Banjo Butch. This blog shares my music with other instrumentalists who are learning to play. My personal videos of how to play songs and my own tablature are all FREE. But if you find something here that helps you, please consider donating a small gift to one of my sponsored ministries. Thanks! Banjo Butch

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year - 2015 !!!

I hope that you and your family had a great Christmas. 

I got a request for banjo tab for the Matt Redman and Jonas Myrin song, 10,000 Reasons.  So I created a quick and dirty arrangement and posted it here for anyone who may also be interested in seeing it.

My tabs are down at the bottom, and they are in alphabetical order, so Ten Thousand Reasons is currently next to the last.

I created the arrangement in the key of G, but our Praise Band sings it in the key of A.  If you want to play it in the key of A, just add a capo at the 2nd fret.  Also, I did not test this draft arrangement by playing along with the song, so it is possible that it won't work exactly right.  But hopefully it will be enough to help you figure out how to play the song. 

Banjo Butch