3 Ways to Donate
a) Donate at the specific ministry's web page. (the pictures on my web page take you to their web page if you click on them, and under each photo are instructions on what to do once you get to the donate page). There is also a link here to take you to the donation page at Greater Europe Mission Donate at Greater Europe Mission To make a donation click on the link above and under "Missionaries and Projects" select "Projects." Then scroll down to "Pere and Celia Gonzalez 58755" (his name is Pere, but to make it easy on us, he goes by Peter). Some of the other missionaries on my page are under "Missionaries" instead of under "Projects".
b) Mail your check to the ministry of your choice:
i) For gifts to L'Arcada or one of the missionaries who work there, the address is GEM USA, 18950 Base Camp Road, Monument, CO 80132. The different funds at Greater Europe Mission are:
David and Debbie Frank - 17050
Pere and Celia Gonzalez - 58755
Rafa and Yoli Villaba - 58764
L'Arcada projects - 58724
ii) Jeremy and Sylvia Frank are also raising support to work at L'Arcada, but they are working through a different mission agency. The address is:
Global Outreach, P.O. Box 1, Tupelo, MS 38802 and designate the gift to Jeremy and Sylvia Frank - 2690
c) Mail your gift to my church (Cornerstone Presbyterian, Irmo, SC) and designate it to the ministry you want to support.
If you want to use method (c) then you can mail your gift to:
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
5637 Bush River Road
Columbia, SC 29212
Designate your gift to one of the ministries on my blog, and please mention BanjoButch (so they can tell me if my blog is making a difference).
Here is a form that you can print to mail your gift to Cornerstone and designate it to L'Arcada or other ministries seen on my blog:
Please print and mail this form to:
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
5637 Bush River Road
Columbia, SC 29212
Enclosed is my gift in the amount of ______________. Please make check payable to “Cornerstone Presbyterian Church”.
Please designate my gift to the following ministry (please check one):
___ L’Arcada Camp in Spain – special projects (like building cabins)
___ Peter and Celia Gonzalez – Directors of Camp L’Arcada in Spain
___ David and Debbie Frank – Founders of L’Arcada. Now they help bring volunteer work teams to the camp (among MANY other things).
___ Jeremy and Sylvia Frank - Young couple also going to Spain to work at the camp.
___ Terry and Lisa Brown – serving in the Czech Republic (formerly called Czechoslovakia)
___ Cornerstone’s fund for short term mission trip to L’Arcada Camp in Spain
___ Cornerstone’s Mission Fund - to be used where needed most.
___ Cornerstone’s mercy ministry (helping needy people by repairing their home)
If you would like a receipt (for tax purposes, etc.) please include your name and address here:
Your Name: _______________________________________
Your Address: ______________________________________
I learned about these ministries on http://BanjoButch.blogspot.com .