Welcome to Banjo Butch. This blog shares my music with other instrumentalists who are learning to play. My personal videos of how to play songs and my own tablature are all FREE. But if you find something here that helps you, please consider donating a small gift to one of my sponsored ministries. Thanks! Banjo Butch

The Youth Camp in Spain

I worked at the L'Arcada Camp in Spain in the summer of 2008 and then again in the summer of 2010.   Here is a video about the trip I made in May 2010:    

Below is a video made in 2008 of me playing the banjo. However, most of my work was helping Rafa, the maintenance volunteer, to fix things or build things.
Juan Antonio, the guitarist, had never played bluegrass before, nor had Keila, the fiddle player.  The kids at the camp are always active like this.  It was Juan Antonio's idea for me to tease them by using my hat as if I were passing a collection plate.

In July 2008 I worked at L'Arcada as an assistant to Rafa Villaba, who is responsible for maintenance for the camp.  He and I had great fun.  Here we are hauling garbage.
Rafa doesn't speak much English (yet), but I have learned enough Spanish so that he was able to give me instructions on the tasks I needed to do.  He is currently raising support so that he can work full time at the camp.

Here is my friend, Greg Dobbins, mowing grass with me in May of this year (2010).  We were there for two weeks, helping to get the camp ready before the arrival of the campers.

One of my jobs in May 2010 was to clean the pool.

Playing I'll Fly Away (July 2008)