These are videos of me and my friends playing in various venues. There are also some still photos. - Butch
Blue Ridge Cabin Home - Talented fiddler and banjo picking friend, Corey Clark, sings with Ginger, Keith Crout-guitar, Dusty Rhodes-mandolin. The invisible banjo soloist later on is me.
Cripple Creek (Pickin' and Grinnin') - My buddy Richard Parker and I play and tell jokes at Pine Island on Lake Murray for a church outing.
Glendale Train
My good buddy Tom Coolidge is singing. The first banjo is played by Alan Fisher. My break in the song comes later on. I am the banjo picker in the white shirt. This is down at Bill's Music in West Columbia, SC.
Just a Closer Walk with Thee - jam at Bill's Music, West Columbia, SC
Pickin' and Grinnin' (see Cripple Creek on this page)
You Are My Sunshine - Ginger singing with Ken Bedenbaugh-guitar, father & son, Keith & Cory Crout at Bill's Music, West Columbia, SC
Playing on board a boat on Lake Murray for a church outing. L-R me, Rosey Taylor, Tom Coolidge, Richard Parker
1902 - My grandpapa's uncle, Pink Bost, with four of his sons. The one on the right was my grandfather's close friend. Grandpapa played in a group in his younger days. He played guitar, piano, and harmonica (and maybe other instruments).