Welcome to Banjo Butch. This blog shares my music with other instrumentalists who are learning to play. My personal videos of how to play songs and my own tablature are all FREE. But if you find something here that helps you, please consider donating a small gift to one of my sponsored ministries. Thanks! Banjo Butch

Live Playing Videos

These are videos of me and my friends playing in various venues.  There are also some still photos.  - Butch

Blue Ridge Cabin Home - Talented fiddler and banjo picking friend, Corey Clark, sings with Ginger, Keith Crout-guitar, Dusty Rhodes-mandolin.  The invisible banjo soloist later on is me. 

Cripple Creek (Pickin' and Grinnin') - My buddy Richard Parker and I play and tell jokes at Pine Island on Lake Murray for a church outing.

Glendale Train
My good buddy Tom Coolidge is singing.  The first banjo is played by Alan Fisher.  My break in the song comes later on.  I am the banjo picker in the white shirt.  This is down at Bill's Music in West Columbia, SC.

Just a Closer Walk with Thee - jam at Bill's Music, West Columbia, SC

Pickin' and Grinnin' (see Cripple Creek on this page)
You Are My Sunshine - Ginger singing with Ken Bedenbaugh-guitar, father & son, Keith & Cory Crout at Bill's Music, West Columbia, SC

Playing on board a boat on Lake Murray for a church outing.  L-R me, Rosey Taylor, Tom Coolidge, Richard Parker

1902 - My grandpapa's uncle, Pink Bost, with four of his sons.  The one on the right was my grandfather's close friend.  Grandpapa played in a group in his younger days.  He played guitar, piano, and harmonica (and maybe other instruments).