Welcome to Banjo Butch. This blog shares my music with other instrumentalists who are learning to play. My personal videos of how to play songs and my own tablature are all FREE. But if you find something here that helps you, please consider donating a small gift to one of my sponsored ministries. Thanks! Banjo Butch

Banjo - praise and gospel videos

This page has praise and gospel banjo instructional videos.  There is another page of instructional videos for bluegrass banjo and other banjo.

I try to play these slowly so that you can follow what my fingers are doing.  I created banjo tablature for some of these. It is at the bottom of my blog. 

Amazing Grace (G)

America the Beautiful (G)

America the Beautiful (G) another copy

America the Beautiful (G - moderate speed)

Are You Washed (G)

This is the traditional hymn played using Scruggs style.

How Great Thou Art (D)

The banjo is in standard tuning except that the 5th string is set to an "A" using a 5th string capo (there are other ways too).

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (G)

I'll Fly Away (G)

In the Garden (D)

The banjo is in standard tuning except the 5th string is elevated to an "A" by using a 5th string capo. (you can also do it by putting a small dowel under the string).  Most of the chords are typical ones, but I also included some others F#7 and Gm.

I've Just Seen the Rock of Ages (B flat)

If you don't use the capo the song is in the key of G.

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (G)

Power in the Blood (G)

There is a Fountain (D)

The banjo is in standard tuning except the 5th string is elevated to an "A" by using a 5th string capo. (you can also do it by putting a small dowel under the string). 

There is a Fountain (D) 
This is a slow version with interesting chords followed by fast version with normal chords
The banjo is in standard tuning except the 5th string is elevated to an "A" by using a 5th string capo. (you can also do it by putting a small dowel under the string).

When the Roll is Called Up Yonder (G)

When the Roll is Called Up Yonder (G - moderate speed)

Will the Circle Be Unbroken (G)